
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Glow Worthy

Am I Glow Worthy?! HECK YEA I AM!!

There's a facebook page that I love called Eccentric GLOW.. and I adore the page owner too!! She put a post up awhile ago about posting pictures of her fans and featuring them on her page.. so joking around I tell her that I was going to email her a picture of me in my work out gear.. and she told me that would be fine becau
se she doesn't discriminate... LOL

That made me think today I was all dolled up and feel just as strong, confident, and beautiful as I do when I'm in my work out clothes hair half comb with a sweat band and tennis shoes on...

I used to always compare myself to the terms of what I needed to look like to be beautiful to feel beautiful.. I thought I need to be taller, my skin need to be lighter, I needed to wear make-up and always in a pair of heels.. I needed to have long hair.. Hell I just needed to be ANYONE BUT ME... So I would get all dressed up had to have the sew ins, the nails done, a tight dress, heels I don't walk in, then I would look in the mirror and say okay now I'm pretty.. HA!!! HORSE CRAP!! When really my face was itchy, I couldn't breath my head itch and I was about to knock myself out from pattin my head, my feet hurt can't dance... But I was "beautiful"

Over the last year and a half.. I no longer compare myself to the person standing next to me.. I'm awesome just the way I am.. PERFECT with all my IMPERFECTIONS... Its okay to have my natural nappy hair.. its okay to be 5ft 3in its okay to hate heels its okay to love jeans and sweat pants, its okay to wear shorts with my meaty thighs, its okay to not wear make up everyday.. I can be Glow worthy in the eyes of many, maybe not all but I will always be in the eyes of the person that matters the most and that ME!!

Heck some of the pictures on my Instagram people that know me, know me are like "wow I can't believe some of the pictures you post".. its cause IDC.. I'm at the gym my hair don't have to be done up.. I'm silly, I make silly faces all the time.. I don't care if the world sees them anymore... I'm being silly not trying to be pretty!!

I have changed into a new and better person no longer hiding behind binds peaking out when I want to be seen.. LIKE IT OR LEAVE IT.. people are so quick to say that I pretending to be someone I'm not.. I'm "fake". When the truth is I was FAKE and now I'm real.. Constantly question and analyzing me, I have been help and I've battled the demons that wear attacking, holding me back, and holding me down. Working on ways to never let them come back.

This is me.. the question is WHO ARE YOU?!
Soap box moment.. :)
Until I write again until you read again
kisses and misses
Check me out on
on instagram: athomeahunt
on Twitter: @homewithahunt