
Monday, December 21, 2015

Never Give up on yourself

Weight loss journey entry 3

Never give up on yourself.

I looked in the mirror, and I was so mad at myself I just started to cry and cry. I just feel so frustrated with myself. I feel like I'm stuck. I cannot get to where I want to be in my journey. I just feel like I'm a disappointment. I tried to get my thoughts together and calm myself down, but I couldn't. I got in the shower and cried some more. I wanted to just go back to bed and sleep the day away. Sleep until things were the way I wanted them to be, but I know that couldn't and wouldn't happen. At this point in my life when I feel pain I cannot control, I speak it out loud.

In earlier years I would keep it all bottled up until I could no longer take it anymore and just try to end the pain for good without talking to anyone or giving anyone a sign I needed help. But now I know better and so I usually let someone know how I'm feeling to get feedback, but this time I'm not sure why I didn't. I got dressed and I headed to teach class. I smiled and danced and felt alive! No one would have known three hours ago I was a mess. I prayed so hard to be happy with the process and to let go and to never give up on myself! I didn't need anyone to pull me out of the hole this time. This time I had to do it on my own. I have to be my own super hero with this one.

And today I feel like I'm ready to take the next step. I've told myself it was time to get it together, but I don't think I was really ready. I hit rock bottom with my journey that day so today it's only up and out.

One day at a time. Good days and bad days. I'm only human...

Sunday, December 13, 2015

You are what you eat.

You are what you eat!

Weight Loss Journey Entry 1

The most important part of my journey was figuring out why I "craved" different things. I have always been a big girl, I was never skinny, and even now I've lost a lot of weight, but I'm still a big girl. Lately, I have found myself craving cookies, bread, pasta, and stuff like that. I could eat nothing but graham crackers for every meal and be happy.

For the last few days, I have been journaling my feelings to figure out if it's related to what I want to eat. It seems that when I'm lonely I want graham crackers, crackers, and cookies. When I'm stressed and/or worried, I want cake, bread, pastas and stuff like that. 

Now I have to figure out my triggers. The next step is to cure my cravings and stop eating my feelings, figure out a different way to deal with what's going on in my mind... Because right now I'm angry, and I feel deprived because I'm telling myself I cannot have the thing I want!!! 

Dealing with the problems at hand. I know that some things are out of my control so that leaves me with the things I can control. What's that, you might be asking. Me. I can control me. I have decided to test out a few options: Number one, feeling stressed. I stop and pray. I drink 24 oz of water and I have 2 cups of cinnamon vanilla peaches. (Just add vanilla and cinnamon to organic canned peaches) It made me happy, and I was satisfied. 

I'm learning me everyday... Just enjoying the journey. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Pictures are important to my journey.

Weight Loss Journey Entry 1

Well, if you don't know who I am or what I do, you might want to go back through my blogs and get a feel for who I am, but I'm a dance fitness instructor that has lost 70 pounds 6 years ago, and I've been on a journey to keep the weight off.

I'm now trying to tone up and get in better shape.

Topic for today:

Pictures are important to my journey.

I bet you're wondering why. Right?

Well, today I was getting dressed and looking in the mirror, and I saw the same big girl I was five years ago. It scared me! The first thing that comes to mind is "I'm getting fat again? I need to find a scale. Oh, my, how much do I weight! What have I been eating!!" Just mental going nuts for a moment!

I need to slow down, take some deep breaths, and remind myself the scale is not the answer, and I need to get dressed, but I couldn't. I was still frustrated and not happy with myself. I need to have a talk with myself (I know it sounds crazy, but hey, I'm my best friend and worst enemy at times). I took off all my clothes and looked at me in the mirror. I reminded myself that I have to like myself every day. I have to find 10 things I love about the person in the mirror before I could get dressed and leave. If not I'll be tugging on my clothes unable to give people eye contact. I would just be a mess until I felt better. (Better meaning not looking fat) so I give myself "the talk" and get dressed.

I head out the door to teach class honestly still not feeling great.

After class I take some pictures with some friends, and I'm like that's me? That's not the girl I saw in the mirror. My shirt felt too tight my butt looked big.  But in the picture I look like...well, me. So I get home, and I take a few pictures...And it was totally not what I saw in the mirror...I just started crying. I was so mad at myself. But it's just a lesson perception can be wrong at times. I have to stop being so hard on myself.

I'm not perfect... I'm just a girl getting fit one day at a time!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Food for Thought

Food for Thought...

The phrase "I'm done, Ima find a something new because this doesn't work"  hmmmmmm.. Okay

All the Zumba class, all the toning days, all the meal prepping, all the sacrifice, staying constant, being discipline.. Is the way to achieve fitness goals.. 

It drives me crazy when people say "I tried it and it's not working", how long did you try it? Were you constant 7 days a week 24 hrs a day?.. 

I can guarantee that you meet all your fitness goals.. As a fitness/life coach I can give you the 16 week meal plan help you detox twice a month. Teach you how to manage time and meal plan, I can give you a gym work out plan or train you.. And once a month I can sit down with you and go over your fitness goals to keep them current and constantly remind you of them.. 

But if mentally you are not ready.. You will fail.. I cannot force you to make changes. It gets me down when people quit and blame me for the reason they quit.. I'm not the normal trainer.. I don't just workout with you.. I prepare you for a mental and physical lifestyle change.. I take on your goals.. I know what it's like to battle with weightloss, stress, no time, family issues, weightloss guilt.. I was once in your shoes.. It's okay to quit, not show up, gather your thoughts, but if your being given all the tools and just not using them, please don't blame your trainer.. 

I'm a fitness coach with an amazing trainer I love to pieces!! I'm not use to having a support system.. And this is something that I'm working on.. Depending on others for help in an area I know I need help in.. Over the last 5 years I managed my weightloss journey on my own.. So now while I'm stressing out and struggling with my meal plan with no money in my food budget.. Running around and taking care of others and not taking care of myself..  I run to myself to figure it out instead of my trainer.. I have no energy and my life balance is off again.. I can't blame my trainer for results I'm not achieving.. 

People complain and slander others, when they need to stop and think and point the finger in the correct direction.. 

Until you read or I write again,

Kisses and Misses

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Learning to Love this NEW life...

Learning to love this NEW life

I was sitting here thinking about the past year of my life, chapter 32, this has been one amazing ride good and bad. I have been on a roller coaster since January.  I’m still trying to find some understanding and why this all happened to me, but I have to remember who am I to question God’s plan. I have been homeless, heartbroken, and hopeless, but no one would have ever known. I smiled, I laughed, and I did everything I would normally do. But when it was quiet and I was all alone I cried and cried and cried. I had to shake it off or sooner than later I would go crazy, I just know it.

I decided that my new life was going to be MY new life. So I decided to go vegan, I no longer felt guilty about my natural hair, and I embraced my weird style of dress and music. I decided to be the mother that always wanted to be. I no longer felt bad about going to gym, and teaching my Zumba Classes. I was free to live. When you’re in a relationship it’s hard to just be you(well it was hard for me). You always have to think about what the other person might think about you. I can say that I had an amazing husband for 7 years and great marriage it wasn’t perfect, but it was great. Just at some point enough is enough, and it’s time to move on.

I have been able to do things I thought I would never be able to do. I was told I was a quitter and I had no “drive”. Those words always kept me from trying different things, because if I failed than He would have been right. But now being alone I can jump and know that God will caught me if I fall. I have some amazing people in my corner that have believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself.  I have been able to set my goals high and reach for the stars.

I want to say when I was married, but I am still married so I guess I’ll just say when I was in a relationship, or wait when I was with my husband.. I don’t know.. LOL ANYWHO.. When I was with my husband I did not go to church because he did not want to go, or had to work, or the football game was on, or whatever the excuse was, so I would stay home with him or I just wouldn’t go because I felt guilty I was still going to church’s website and get the Scripture for the sermon and try to read it with some kind of understanding, but it wasn’t the same. Being alone, my son and I go to church every Sunday, and I have been able to develop my relationship with God again. And it’s an amazing feeling. He has opened so many doors for me since I’ve put him first it’s unbelievable at times.

My son and I have always had a wonderful relationship but over this past year it has developed into something so much more. After I left my husband I felt I lost everything that it was the worst decision I could ever make, but I looked at my son and realized we both deserved more than what we were getting, but I lost my stepson seven years of having someone in your life and overnight never see him again is so hard. My son lost his best friend and it kills me, so that’s one reason I wish I could take it back.

I’m thinking about the woman I was eight years ago and the woman I am now, I would not even be able to recognize her. Back then I stood for nothing and I really did fall for everything. I had no identity I did not know who I was. I went along with anything just trying to fit in. To make everyone around me happy, but I was miserable. And now look at me!!! I know exactly what want, I know who I am, I know where I’m going, and I know my God is good!! I smile because I love the way I feel. I’m happy healthy and blessed.

I’m still alone and I have still decided not to date, I just don’t feel that it would be fair to date someone new when I’m not sure if my heart is completely healed. I have been struggling with the thought that I’m still married. How can I date someone new when I’m still married to someone else? The other day I was having this conversation with a few of my friends, and they reminded me that my husband is in a relationship with the woman he cheated with, and they are living together, so I am not married anymore and that it’s just a piece of paper that no longer means anything.

I had a conversation with a new client and she was giving me the opinion she formed about me prior to meeting me from a conversation with someone I haven’t talked to in YEARS. She expressed me to that she was SO HAPPY that she decided to reach out to me anyways, because she feel that I had a different spirit than what she was told, and meeting me she knows now that she was misinformed. It’s sad that I have people who still hold on to past encounters with me, or anyone for that matter. BUT HEY I cannot help that I feel that’s their issue. I prayed for forgiveness and I know that I will never be a mean and hate filled person again. The chip I had on my shoulder has been gone for a long time. I tell people all the time that I was that person, and it took counseling for me to get to the root and find out why. I have so much more to live for to walk around with all that on me!  

I am approaching chapter 33 with this new view on life, and this new outlook on who I am. I’m falling in love with the woman I’m growing into. I stared in the mirror today and embrace all of me and reflected on the path and thanked God for this journey.

Thanks for reading..

Until I write again, or until you read again

Kisses and Misses

Friday, August 30, 2013


What happens when enough is enough

I just shared an article about a young man name Lee Thompson that “” reported that Thompson committed suicide at the age of 29. The comments I have read on other post: “How can someone do this to themself?”
This is a very difficult subject to talk about but this is real life and happening more and more on a daily bases. I can tell you I am about to be very open and honest with you all in hopes that maybe this can open your eyes to someone going through hard times.

Well when enough is enough..  It is possible that you get to the point of no return. I know sadly.. I have almost got to that point. I have to tell you, you just don’t get to this point over night. It takes to a few bad things to get you to this point speaking from experiences.

So this is it.. I have been on my own since the age of 18 years old.. for a moment I was pregnant and homeless confused scared and unsure of what would happen next.. Then I was in a relationship that was not the healthiest or happiness with a child I felt I was trapped in with no way out.. Then I was in a marriage that hit a hard and devastating point trying to living off of pennies for months making it work.. Then to have my husband choose another woman and no longer want to be in a relationship with me.. I had to move… after leaving and moving in with a friend.. I was not able to pay any rent and I had to move again.. My car was breaking down on a regular... I had isolated myself to commit myself to my husband and family.. The friends I thought I had was having convo behind my back judging me off my facebook post.. so I no longer had a close friends (my own fault) to help me though this heart break no one to cry to (I felt like I couldn’t explain what I was going thru without being judge).. I had a few friends call and check on me but no one knew how serious it got… I told them I was okay and making it though, it was a phone convo you can lie they can’t see you or your pain.. I was smiling and pushing through on a daily in public, but crying and falling apart in the dark, but even in public mentally I wasn’t there I would break down in crying spells over songs that came on the radio. One night it got bad ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH I was over it.. I wanted the pain to stop the headaches to end…  I couldn’t take anymore I felt that I would be happier gone and my son would be better off without me.. I had been told that I was failure, a nobody, I had no drive and no future… and at this moment I was starting to believe it..  I had no plan on what to do.. I just knew it had to be done!!  I just laid there crying my eyes out.. my son woke up.. lifts my head .. all of 12 years old and says, “mom we’ve been though worst, you’re the strongest woman I know. You can do this! And I will never leave you. I will always love you.” He wiped my face and we laid there together on a little twin bed. I realized what was I thinking!! What was I doing, my everything was not lost.. my world didn’t end.. I was laying with it right now.. I couldn’t give up.. I wouldn’t..

But if I didn’t have my little love bug shaking me up. Who know how my story would have played out.. If I did end it all it would have been a mystery to all… people would have said,

“What could have been so bad?” “But she seemed so happy all the time” “But every time I talked to her she said she was fine.” “When I talked to her I told her she was stronger than this and god doesn’t give you more than you can handle”

Sometimes it’s just not enough if you know someone is hurting don’t casting them off with a few quotes and hope that helps, cause sometimes people need more than that.. Or say they being dramatic.. Cause sometimes it’s a call for HELP!!  They need to get out their own mind and thoughts... The power of OVER THINKING… You can take something... for example (no money to pay a house bill, you can over think it to the point where you are homeless) I have that BAD I do it all the time.. something I’m working on..  Sometimes people just need to tell their story without judgment, but to afraid to talk to someone..  But they need to explain how hurt they are.. They need a hug… they need therapy…. They need something…  

But personal ya'll I needed to remember that it will get better.. one day.. I have been pushed down more than I've been helped up.. but I have someone in my corner that will always be there.. And I can get sad, worried or stressed.. But I will try not to let it get to the point of no return.. and I will not stay there long than I need to..

Hi I am a worrier with a heart issues.. I have recognized my issue and I will do my best to work on it day by day..

Think about the good and try not to think about the bad..

Thanks for reading..

Until I write again, or until you read again

Kisses and Misses

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Glow Worthy

Am I Glow Worthy?! HECK YEA I AM!!

There's a facebook page that I love called Eccentric GLOW.. and I adore the page owner too!! She put a post up awhile ago about posting pictures of her fans and featuring them on her page.. so joking around I tell her that I was going to email her a picture of me in my work out gear.. and she told me that would be fine becau
se she doesn't discriminate... LOL

That made me think today I was all dolled up and feel just as strong, confident, and beautiful as I do when I'm in my work out clothes hair half comb with a sweat band and tennis shoes on...

I used to always compare myself to the terms of what I needed to look like to be beautiful to feel beautiful.. I thought I need to be taller, my skin need to be lighter, I needed to wear make-up and always in a pair of heels.. I needed to have long hair.. Hell I just needed to be ANYONE BUT ME... So I would get all dressed up had to have the sew ins, the nails done, a tight dress, heels I don't walk in, then I would look in the mirror and say okay now I'm pretty.. HA!!! HORSE CRAP!! When really my face was itchy, I couldn't breath my head itch and I was about to knock myself out from pattin my head, my feet hurt can't dance... But I was "beautiful"

Over the last year and a half.. I no longer compare myself to the person standing next to me.. I'm awesome just the way I am.. PERFECT with all my IMPERFECTIONS... Its okay to have my natural nappy hair.. its okay to be 5ft 3in its okay to hate heels its okay to love jeans and sweat pants, its okay to wear shorts with my meaty thighs, its okay to not wear make up everyday.. I can be Glow worthy in the eyes of many, maybe not all but I will always be in the eyes of the person that matters the most and that ME!!

Heck some of the pictures on my Instagram people that know me, know me are like "wow I can't believe some of the pictures you post".. its cause IDC.. I'm at the gym my hair don't have to be done up.. I'm silly, I make silly faces all the time.. I don't care if the world sees them anymore... I'm being silly not trying to be pretty!!

I have changed into a new and better person no longer hiding behind binds peaking out when I want to be seen.. LIKE IT OR LEAVE IT.. people are so quick to say that I pretending to be someone I'm not.. I'm "fake". When the truth is I was FAKE and now I'm real.. Constantly question and analyzing me, I have been help and I've battled the demons that wear attacking, holding me back, and holding me down. Working on ways to never let them come back.

This is me.. the question is WHO ARE YOU?!
Soap box moment.. :)
Until I write again until you read again
kisses and misses
Check me out on
on instagram: athomeahunt
on Twitter: @homewithahunt