
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is BEAUTY in 2011?

Hello Readers!!! Happy Tuesday!!!

What the heck is this word "BEAUTY"? Well Honestly I don't know now a days..Beauty is a characteristic of a person that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction... HUH?? Lol.. Well it all depends on your view point of what is consider beauty in your culture..

In 2011 beauty is what you see on TV and or magazines... Beauty presents a standard of comparison, and it can cause resentment and dissatisfaction when not achieved.. So when you're looking in the mirror and all you can hear and read it that you need to lose weight, you should be taller, you need to cake on ton of make up that your skin isn't light enough, or dark enough.. that your beauty is not beautiful..

The youth is not the only one FALLING into the trap of the FASHION BARBIE DOLL world.. Plastic surgery a go go..

Its so sad that I can say I don't have time to focus on the "Old Dogs" cause we can not learn new tricks.. LOL, But the thing is when you're in the mirror looking a complain about this and that.. or you're on the phone complain about this and that.. make sure you don't have a little person around you..

Since we can't change the way we think, maybe we can work on the way our youth is thinking.. be more positive.. don't let the magazine and TV shows and music videos tell your kids what's beautiful..
Icarly and A.N.T Farm is what kids are watching.. Thin little girls, tall or with long hair... The show my wife and kids has 3 kids when the show first started it had 2 dark skinned kids and 1 light skinned, and then the next season the dark skinned girl was gone and was replaced with a light skinned one...
UMMMM why?
My niece/cousin is 5 years old an is attend summer school at West Prep.. She is bright skinned with good hair very pretty... and was told that she was ugly by a little girl in her class.. now thinking why would this little girl call her ugly? I'm sure we all know why.. but its sad..

Well I was viewing my news feeds and saw a picture of a friend, Danielle and the first thing came to mind, "this is beauty" No caked on make up real beauty... should be on a magazine.. A person that has a real God given glow... Not a fake sprayed on glow...

You know they say Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

Media wants beauty to be what they tell you it is... we have to be stronger happier... if you want to make a change make it for you not for any one else.. to look like or be like any one... 

Ok,Ok... I'll hop off my soap box... But I believe beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and long hair short hair... 

Until I write again, Until you read again,
Kisses and Misses


  1. I love it!! I have a friend starting a Nutritional Magazine. Maybe you can be a writer for it.. I will send them your blog post if you are interested. I was just thinking this the other day, about how society conditions us to think what is pretty and what is not.. its so sad.. so we have to be conditioned by the soul inside of us and not what the world thinks

  2. thanks that would be great.. thanks for reading and post a comment..

    Follow if you like.. :)

  3. Awww...this is sweet! I appreciate the shout out. Its funny how a simple picture could be deemed as beautiful. Thank you. And I agree about what you've said. It's very sad that people are so stuck in these falsified images of beauty. I remember one time a co worker came to work with no make-up on. And she looked more beautiful to me than she ever has with her "face" on but that was shot down when I heard another one of our colleagues say to her, "What's wrong with you today? You sick?" Umm WTHeck!?! SMDangH.

  4. I'm actually not done with this one.. I'ma add a part two.. but thats what makes this picture beautiful, to me simple things are beauiful and the world its forgetting that.. I fat chubby cheeked baby is cute and sweet.. but a heavy set beautiful woman with amazing features, the only thing that is seen is that shes fat.. T.B.C. in part too... lol
