
Saturday, August 13, 2011

That lucky NUMBER 13....

I have already told you that NUMBER 13 is my lucky number because so many wonderful people in life was born on that day... My son is one of those WONDERFUL people..

My Birthday Boy

Today my son turned 11 years old!! I'm happy and sad its bitter and sweet.. But its time I allow him to grow up, and change into the man that God wants him to be..

My son and I have a unique story... We have made it through the storm forever change and for the better.. I was a young parent... 20 years old when I had my son and at the time total over whelmed not sure what a mom should do, and not sure if I even wanted to be a "mom"

I was alone in Vegas with no where to stay running around from place to place job to job.. No real choice... living off others and just hoping life fixed its self... Going back and forth with my Ex boyfriend I ended up pregnant.. Now I'm homeless and pregnant.. WHAT THE HELL NOW... is all I could think... Some one helped me find an apartment and final I had my own spot with out a lick of furniture just a radio and a air mattress and my 8 month baby baking in my oven.. It was rough but honestly my child save me... People say you have to love a child a child doesn't know what love is... I can tell you that I believe that to be untrue.. My son LOVED me from the day I brought him home.. I wasn't for sure about the baby thing.. didn't want to hold him or lay with him the first few days.. and some how he would end up right under me.. when I would cry and try to think why I got my self in this mess he would look at me and smile.. I knew I really didn't feel so much love until I held him and after about day 3 we have been locked together everyday since then!!! I couldn't imagine my life with out him..

He is my little man.. He's never been a kid kid, always a small adult I grew him up fast but that's life for you and I don't regret it.. I have and amazing kid because of it...

Son, I thank you for being the best kid a mother could ask for and I pray you continue to make me proud and grow into a wonderful MAN!!  Son, you have made me into a better woman, you have taught me so much and I continue to learn from you.. You have always kept me safe and had my back!! I love you SOOOOO much...

5th grade grad

his photo shoot.. he made take a pic

my grad and he was so proud of me

My lovee!!

My baby

At the park

a new year with my love

actin silly
Thanks for reading...

Until I write again, Until you read again,
Kisses and Misses

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