
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Love of MY LIFE

Well in a previous blog I told you I would tell you more about my BEST FRIEND, COUSIN, Self appointed SISTER, Charo... Well here it goes

Night out

Charo is my cousin but since I had my son she has been more like a sister to me, I have always been close with my dad sisters' family.. But when my mom moved to Oklahoma after my dad die, and I chose to stay here in Vegas and I moved with my cousin Ty (my other self appointed sister) I did her bad and she put me out and I moved with Charo.. Again I was being lazy not wanting to work and she put me out too.. after floating around for a year and having a baby I changed still had a attitude but I was older more responsible a mom.

My cousin helped me find and keep a job with her for 4 years at one company and 2 at the next and over that five years together we became BEST FRIEND.

WAY passed her bed time
Now after 12 years since I chose to stand alone in a small big city.. She is my sister and I love her with all my heart, I don't know what I would do with out her. She has taught me what it means to be a woman, a mom. Soft spoken, and straight hood when the situation calls for it.. I can say this woman is my role mole WHEN I grow up I wanna be just like her.. She is smart talented a great mom, a wonderful daughter. She has the biggest heart and I'm so happy she put me in and she never plans on taking me out... we get mad she makes me cry. I ignore her, I hate her but at the end of the day... all is forgiven and we are always OK. When I'm at my happiest she joins in and she is just as happy as me.. Never judge never jealous, Never negative. When I'm at my lowest and broken.. She finds away to pull me up and out of it.. She loves me.. She makes me happy just like family should.

Life hit her hard after she had her first son, and she never showed the hurt she was strong and positive and made the best of a bad situation and still wore that beautiful smile she has. She has nothing sometimes and still finds away to give to my family and I and won't take no for an answer..  That's why I look up to her. We have so many funny, crazy, scary stories, and I could go on and on and on about my cousin...

But I'm just ended with a true friend is your friend in good times bad times ups and downs... I can scream.. I HATE YOU AND NEVER WANNA TALK TO YOU AGAIN HEFFA YOUR DEAD TO ME... and call her five minutes later asking what you doing.. and slip in a I was tripping in there and all is well.. because she knows me and I know her, and she is my LOVE.. She never leaves me and I will never leave her... I am truly bless to have this AMAZING woman in my family as well as my life.. :)

Until I write again, Until you read again
Kisses and Misses

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