
Friday, September 9, 2011

My black is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Yes MY black is BEAUTIFUL even if its light... LOL

Well the other night I was over my BnL's (brother in law) house. Basketball wives LA was on, mind you I've never seen the show I prefer not to be brother with REALITY TV I have my own reality that keeps me OH SO entertained.

But any who... On of the "Characters" sparked up a convo and made me think. My BnL was telling about a friend of his saying that Tanya Williams was not a pretty women and she was manly, That the Keri Hilson of the world is the ideal beautiful woman. 

 Its sad that we have been brain washed into thinking that a black woman/man with natural hair is unattractive or primitive. A dark skin black woman tall and in shape is "manly". I will say that Kerri Hilson is a beautiful woman but she is not the imagine of beautiful. A women can be beautiful any shape, size and colors.

We have to remember that just because its in a magazine movie or on TV doesn't make it right!! Yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I'm just saying that a person shouldn't be labeled as UGLY just because of their skin color. I know this is a never ending DEBATE but its just sad. That we have to fight racist of the same skin color just a little light or darker.

The imagine of beauty to me is a strong and confident woman!! Loving what God gave or didn't give her not wishing for more or less. Walking with her head high. Happy to be alive.  Take note a man/woman looks for what they are lacking in themselves in there partner. If you don't know what makes you amazing WHO ELSE WILL!!?? Just my opinion would love to hear your take on it. Is not just the African American race.

Welp thanks for reading,

Until I write again, Until you read again,
Kisses and Misses