
Friday, October 7, 2011

Busy busy mommy!!!

Well the past few weeks have been busy!!!

I started school.. Yes I did!!! I'm very proud of myself. I think this time I pick a degree program that I will enjoy in a career.. I am a certified MA.. I'm a people person and love to help people.. So I thought it would be the career goal for me but after a year and half of working for a doctor with a REAL attitude problem everyday driving home in tears... my love for helping people and working for the devil had to end or I would!!

And now I'm working sorta still in the field of helping people but more in the customer service part of the field and not so hands on with the people as I would like to and the stress of this job is now starting to creep up on me... I live with a headache its very stressful!!!! So I have decided to deal with it for a while and Take my AA while I figure out if Human Services is the field for me. I have been through a lot in my sort spam of my life. I have been abandon, homeless, beating, abused, and a single young mother. With no guidance thing look so scary and you do not know which way to run. I wanna be that voice of reason, the one to help get someone out of the dark and brought to the light.

Well also I've started to work out again!! Yay!!! Go me!! WOOT WOOT.. I've been doing PT for my knee its ruff/ tuff but I'm feeling better already. Beside the lack of sleep and the headaches.. I'm good.. So I started hiking and I love it!!!! I can't wait until Saturday mornings now so I can get up and hit the trail!! My cousin was my fearless leader the first hike I took.. and he had a great time! Got a little lost and it was still a blast. The next hike I was on the my own with son and his sister.

Well I be back in the gym come Saturday after my hike so I will keep my readers updated with my progress with the new me in the making. The INSIDE and the OUTSIDE..

I have also picked up a new habit I have been baking and cooking as well!! So new blogs and pics to come with my new adventures..

Until I write again, Until you read again,
Kisses and Misses

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