
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 1 and 2 of my 30 day challenge

Well I have been working out again I just finished my first 30 day challenge and now I am on to the next and this time I decide to share it will the “world”. Yesterday was day number 1. I started out at 138.0 and I am getting a tad bit frustrated with my weight lost!! I just want it gone I am mad that I let it come back. I have been in such a blue mood. I am not sure what to say about me.
Well on my day one I told myself I would get up and work out at 4am, but yea no it did not happen I rolled and went back to sleep. Then I received a nice little reminder text my friend Jenelle telling me to get up!! So I did. I did a nice little work out nothing major, and then off to work. I worked out on my lunch break a nice 45 mins of cardio and abs, and it felt GREAT!! I love working out. I just have so much going on mentally that I am so tried most of the times. I just can not find the time to do a “real” work out. I like to work out for an hour or two!! I hate quick unfocused work outs. I want to kill it!! I like to feel like I was at war and I just won a battle!!
Today is day two and I work up this morning and I worked on my school work. No working out and I am a little down. I spoke with son yesterday about the absence of Christmas in our home this year and ask him if he was mad at me. My son replied that he was not mad just sad. He did not do his best this year, but not bad enough to not get a gift. With those few words I felt sadder than I did in the first place. I tried to explain to an eleven year old child that it is not because of you that I am unable to buy you gifts it is because of our live decisions, bills and everyday commitments that he have, and just no extra money. I felt like CRAP! He gives me a hug and tells me he loves me and he was going to bed he was tried. I cried and cried and cried some more. I was too tired to do anything last night after that so I just went to sleep. 
I woke with all the same things on my plus a million more. So I did not feel like working out. I did bring my gym bag to work so I plan on getting in a full 45 mins of cardio and 15 mins of abs today at work. I also plan on doing body combat at home for 45 mins and then 30 mins of legs. So pray for me to fit it all in tonight plus home work cooking dinner and washing clothes and cleaning house.
Follow my blog and join me on my 30 day challenge.
Until I write again, Until you read again,
Kisses and Misses

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