
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Does your work out clothes help you work harder?!

Does your work out clothes help you work harder?!

So I have been telling my crew to wear tight body hugging clothes when they come out to my bootcamp class.. I had a crew member ask me why and she thought the idea was a little funny.. I have never put to much thought or research into it. This really helps me work harder.. I just know that when I jump with loose clothes on my butt jiggle and I don’t jump as high… When I have tight clothes on and jump my butt doesn’t jiggle so I jump higher.. Makes perfect since to me!! But I guess I should put some research behind my thoughts…
 So we have a lot of different clothing lines that offer the compressing work out clothing at a HEFTY price right now.. Nike  has the best and cuties compression pants I’ve seen right now.. But I can not afford those so I stick with Under Armour they work just as good and there a little bit cheaper.. But I learned that the companies offering this clothing line is has a different theory than I do.. The theory is that the bit of extra resistance delivered by the compression clothing provides constant toning any time you move a muscle. Ummmm I like!!
So I found a few Independent studies but the one that caught my eye was by the one by  Sumobrain they had women take a brisk walk on a treadmill, once while wearing regular workout clothing and then again while wearing compression pants.
When the incline stayed flat they didn’t burn any more calories than usual. BUTTTT, when the climb was sufficiently steep, they burned significantly more calories then when they wore regular clothing.
The reason for the increased of calorie burning when the incline kicks in might be because the compression clothing add a little resistance to the muscles in the front of the hips causing them to work a little harder. The front hip muscles always kick in and work overtime anytime you climb hills so it just makes sense that it would work that way, right?
I can now say that I did a little research behind my madness… I just think if you’re doing jumping jacks and your butts and boobs are jumping with you it can distract you and you are less likely to work your hardest.. When I run in the morning I see this lady with her hand across her chest and the other one pumping back in fourth, I’m thinking in my head “COME ON NOW.. if you buy a sports bra to hold those babies down then you can use both arms and really run!!”  When you feel confident you are confident.. So instead of tugging at your shirt because it keeps coming up.. Buy a shirt long enough to keep you all in.. Pants that stay up on your hips when you’re working out.  When you are gettin’ your workout on you’re not trying to stop and pull at this and grab at that.. You want to look good and feel good and feeling like your clothes don’t fit will not make you feel that way. 
My thoughts are keep it simple get some clothes that hold for the work out you are going to be doing.. Then get it in!!! Work hard!! With no regrets or unnecessary “clothing adjustment” breaks!!
When I put on my Hot pants, and vest I can leap mountains (not really) But I feel great! I run hard, jump higher and have an all around great workout.. PLUS I LOOK AMAZING!! The pants make my butt and leg look awesome, and my vest push my girls up and out!!  This is a real confidence booster. I’m not vain at all, but sometimes that’s what you need to get you up and out of the house and show off a little..
Try on different sizes and pick what feels good and looks good on you! Run and jump around the fitting room and see if that is the fit you want..
Lets talk about: If you are already on the Compression band wagon with me tell me about it… Do you feel a difference when you wear a different pair of pants? Do you love them or hate them? If not are you ready to go out and play in a pair? Let me know leave a comment below or check me out on Facebook ..
Until I write again, Until you read again
Kisses and Misses


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