
Sunday, December 13, 2015

You are what you eat.

You are what you eat!

Weight Loss Journey Entry 1

The most important part of my journey was figuring out why I "craved" different things. I have always been a big girl, I was never skinny, and even now I've lost a lot of weight, but I'm still a big girl. Lately, I have found myself craving cookies, bread, pasta, and stuff like that. I could eat nothing but graham crackers for every meal and be happy.

For the last few days, I have been journaling my feelings to figure out if it's related to what I want to eat. It seems that when I'm lonely I want graham crackers, crackers, and cookies. When I'm stressed and/or worried, I want cake, bread, pastas and stuff like that. 

Now I have to figure out my triggers. The next step is to cure my cravings and stop eating my feelings, figure out a different way to deal with what's going on in my mind... Because right now I'm angry, and I feel deprived because I'm telling myself I cannot have the thing I want!!! 

Dealing with the problems at hand. I know that some things are out of my control so that leaves me with the things I can control. What's that, you might be asking. Me. I can control me. I have decided to test out a few options: Number one, feeling stressed. I stop and pray. I drink 24 oz of water and I have 2 cups of cinnamon vanilla peaches. (Just add vanilla and cinnamon to organic canned peaches) It made me happy, and I was satisfied. 

I'm learning me everyday... Just enjoying the journey. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG !!! This is AWESOME and I so needed this right now. Gina
