
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Weekend...

Happy Tuesday all my blog readers..

Well let me tell you about my wonderful weekend... FRIDAY my "Boss"s Anniversary so Ms. Sheara was off and left me all alone.. but I made if though with a smile on my face..

Monica and Me

One of my best friends invited me to her birthday dinner Ms. Monica, Sushi Night!!! It was so fun and yummy.. BTW I love sushi!! Well Sitting at the table I thought about the first day I met Monica. She says to me, " If you wanna get a job here, and stay out of mess just keep your mouth shut and do what they tell you to do." Already trying to protect me and didn't even know me. Over the 9 months we work together we became close friends... She was spoiled by me and I was spoiled by her.. I think about all the fly by night friends I've had.. And through my good days my bad days she never left my side, and over the almost two years I haven't left hers either!! I love my Monica!! Well any who.. lol We ate drank and laughed the whole dinner took over three tables, it was great.. :) Then it was time to work off some of that Sushi. We went dancing at The Mayan Club.. Dancing and More DRINKING!! What a great way to end a long work week!!!


Pictures from the night out...

Arri and her boyfriend

Yisa and Roshaunda

Celena and her friend

Kimmy and Christina  Monica and I

At the Club!!!!!



ME cool in my hat

Next SATURDAY... another one of my amazing friends Ms. Tamra
invited me out for her going away get together.. and MAN did I have a BLAST!!!!  

Tamra and I

Tamra, I also met her the same time I met Monica at the same job.. and same thing she needed me and I was there for her. Now I need her and she's there for me.. She has decided it was best for her to leave Vegas and get away.. So we danced and drank and laughed the night away.... I cried as we hugged and parted ways but I know I will aways talk to her and I'm sure I will see her again.. No one can stay away from VEGAS.. lol

Then SUNDAY Father's Day.. After waking up with a KILLER headache trying to put the pieces of my Sunday early morning and how I got home.. I surprised the love of my life with a simple gift that had all my love wrapped into it.. And he loved it.. YAY ME!!! Lol.. Then off to an amazing lunch with my boys, Hubby, Father in Law and Brother in Law.. listen to them and laughing with and at them it was great one of those moments in life where you sit back and say WOW can I really be this lucky?! Yes, Yes I am..

After that we made our rounds and dropped the boys off, My son to his Dad, and His son to his Mom. TIME ALONE and we know just how to spend it.. SLEEP... Lol we slept the rest of the day away woke up around 10pm and was ready to step out...  Sheara and her Hubby invite us out to a Club called CatHouse in the YUCKY Luxor.. but is a nice club once you get inside.. I wasn't in the best of moods still tired and a little irritated cause I had to work 12 hours come monday morning and thinking I was probably making a bad choice but I losened up and started to enjoy myself made it home and got about 3 hours of sleep... and it was time to start of this WONDERFUL (postitvie thinking) week...

MONDAY was a crazy day just as I thought it would be... But I made it through with the help of my amazing co-worker Alma and Kat.. And Jenelle was back from her City hopping Vacation and remembered I'm a keychain freak and brought me one outside of Harry Reids's office.. LOVE... :)

My key Chain

So I ended my Monday around 7pm I fell asleep... Much need rest.. WELL....

Until I write again, Until you read again
Kisses and Misses


  1. Sounds like some awesome friends, and a pretty cool family
