
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Let me tell you all about the DIRTY 30..

Happy Tuesday!!! Everyone!!

Again another long work week at the JOB...  crazy 360 degree commute around Las Vegas all week and again a WONDERFUL weekend.. Well Friday I went out with Sheara and had a great night FREE DRINKS is a BAD BAD thing.. lol

Sheara and I

 So the rule is FREE drinks from 11-12am ummm that seems like a short time, but really its FOREVER... I was able to throw back 4 drinks and it was only 11:15pm WTHeck.. Right.. So it was time to step away from the bar and on to the dance floor.. SO I was nice and buzzed and getting my dance on.. but then I notice it was only 11:45pm.. since it FREE might as well get 1 more just to get right/wrong depending on your view point.. LOL. 
Some friends we made

Well while at the bar we Met 2 ladies from Vancouver 1 celebrating her divorce and her friend just on for the ride.. I'm thinking if I ever got divorced I don't think it would be a time for partying? Drinking, yes.... Partying, no. So we headed back to the dance floor and didn't step off until it was time to go...  GREAT NIGHT!!! Picked up hubby and we headed home..

Saturday hubby, kiddo and I headed over to My Aunts for some family time.. Then off to work for him and Party Time for me!! LOL

My cousin Allen's 30th Birthday party with a theme PJ/ playboy bunny party.. I am a shy young lady... NO REALLY I AM.. I was a tad bit nervous about going to the party.. My hubby was working my friend Yisa was busy... I had no one to go with me.. But I said forget cause I didn't want to miss celebrating my cousin BIG day!! So I got Dolled up
Silly me!! haha
 And I headed out.. I'm not much of a fan of house parties but I know my family would keep me safe and sound.. So my hubby was cool and I had no worries.. I thinking it was going to be a quite little party BUT MAN O BOY WAS I WRONG!!! LOL..

Well my "little" Cousin (since I'm older by 5 months) is a DJ, DjSplinta... And this is a DJ FOLKS!!! I wasn't surprised he's my cousin TALENT runs in the family!! LOL
Allen and I
I was just complaining about VEGAS DJ's living in the YESTERYEARS.. Can 't go to a club now a days and here a song that's being played on the radio... Just CRAP they been playing on the radio since I was in high school at the 18 and older spots C'mon SON!! If I hear "never had a love like this before... with the do you have 20 dollar bill put your hands up" I'ma Kick the Dj in the head!!

Me in my sexy Pjs..

Val and I

Val and Allen

Neways!! Man he was spinning the Hits and I enjoyed the set... I couldn't dance cause these boys/men was on the hunt!! lol So I held up the wall... (Note not the normal me) and sipped on my drank and watched as everyone dance.. and thats when the innocent party turned to HOTNESS!!! Val my cousin wife announced that a "Make it rain contest" was about to go down!!! And that's when it WENT CRAZY!!!

So the Game was all about  Dancing and seeing who get the most FAKE money in the end... Umm so it was super funny, All I could think of was REALLY you doing all this shaking and grinding and you just going to win a prize maybe?!?! ummm NOT THE KID (meaning me) So I just sat back and took pictures and laughed yes took pictures cause the hubby would have never believed me!!


Some girls going for a WIN

She shaking here Bootie!!

The guys didn't shy up on their turn..
Well after the craziness I hung out and danced and laughed and talked with my cousin and some of his really good friends.. All in all it was a GGGRRRReat day/night early am !!!

So on to FAMILY day Sunday.. While my hubby slept the day away after getting home at 10am from work WELL OVER 16 hrs poor babe!! My son and I headed to gather the family together and go SWIMMING yay! I've been wanting to go for a few weekends and FINALLY we made it.. and a bonus with all my love ones!!! Lucky me!! :)

So we hung out at the pool for awhile and I watched as my 10 year son no longer need me.. he was no longer begging to ride on my back and afraid to let go of my hand... (oh no the water works are starting :'( ... He's making friends and going down a slide he was so afraid of..  Man o boy.. I'm so not ready for him to stand alone.. Instead of letting him take his first step at 9 months I should have tripped him!!! LOL..

My son and I a tad ashy but cute..

MY GIRLS (ps ignore the tummy)

My nephew and I

The 2nd love of my life my best friend/ sister

Me being kissed by the sun

Well after all that Hubby and I headed out for a Dinner and some QTime!! Loved it.. He talked and laughed and it was so nice even got in to a convo about women being single mother and raising a boy to be a man when a woman has no idea what its like for a man to feel like a man... but thats a subject for a different blog..

Until I write again, Until you read again
Kisses and Misses

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