
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ebony's "50" finest...

Good afternoon all!!!

After hearing all the hype about the new cover of Ebony Mag.. I couldn't wait to see it, after checking it out I wasn't all that blown away... Some of the 50 finest that were included I was surprised they made the cut.. Tarajis' cover is very pretty soft make up in all white.. The DRESS it hot!!! WOWzer.. Her hair umm it was ok.. Its better inside the magazine... But this is the second Collector's edition Taraji has been on the cover of!! WOOT WOOT.. Go girl..  I'm confused on why the two of them where even picked.. it the first place?? Like a Baby Boy tribute?? I really don't even like that dang movie!! I watch it once and that was WAY more than enough!! LOL
 I honestly don't understand the Boyz N The Hood exclusive.. But what can I say its entertainment to some one right.. SMH
Well I won't spoil it for you and tell you the 50 finest just check it and let me know what you thought.. :)

As far as Tyreses' cover.. I didn't care for it that much but I'm not a fan of the chocolate boys looks... But that just little ol' me.. LMAO!! Women speak about him being so sexy and all this I just don't see it, the sexiest I have seen this man was in the video Signs of Love Making.. That was a hot video and he did look GREAT in that... but there is a pic inside the magazine of the two of them together and it is something STEAMY!!
But My Favorite collector's edition is still President Barack Obama GOLD LABEL!!

Well Thanks for READING!!! Please Take a moment and FOLLOW, OR COMMENT..

Until you read again, Until I write again,
Kisses and Misses


  1. I actually liked both covers. I thought they both looked nice. The pictures of them inside were very sexy, pretty steamy. Like you, I was disappointed with some of the entries. And the overall issue was pretty lame to me...there wasn't must substance, so to speak, in this issue. Overall disappointed.

  2. I really love that picture inside the cover.. I wish I coulda founded it.. :( But yes for a collector edition this was WACK.. LOL
