
Monday, July 11, 2011

"Planking" and Slavery

So This planking "fade" has sparked my curiosity... A facebook friend posted... "For the Plankers do u know where it started??? A Slavery boat!!Plz stop it" I had no idea what it was until  5 likes and 15 comments later.. I was googling and in search of some more answers... Pictures and more articles... Some of the comments were... "That's cause they don't pay attention to history , only the latest laugh.." reply to that "Right, ignorant!! Bet someone's great great great grama wouldn't find it funny" reply to that.. I seen sum where on here say the slavery planking is face up! Like what's the freaking difference dumbas**!! It's all still so disrespectful" and then a few comments later.. "It shows a total disrespect to Black Americans and our 400+ years of slavery..." So now I was hecka interested in what this was all about...
So after looking around I found so info some pictures and it read that slaves were chained and attached to "plank" beds and "plank" borders. There were unwilling made to lie face down with their by their side chained to there waist. Some were stacked on top of each other there was no room for movement. They were unable to use the bathroom so they were exposed to each others bodily fluids, and other things.. Alot of slaves did not survive, many died from dehydration, disease, and suffocation..
Its so sad that "MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO" all I keep hearing is that I saw and it and thought it was cool and wanted to do, or celebrities are doing it, so I wanted to do it... OMG get a brain YOU DAMN SHEEPS.. either way it looks stupid...
Any ways "planking" isn't the name that the slave mastery gave it, it was called tight packing, but it is what it is.. I can't say that this Fad is related to slavery,at all but people should just remember that cultural sensitivity is very real and this can be an insult to some, not all.. not me.. IDC either way if you want to lay flat across the mail box or a counter top do you.. LOL

“A plank collar is used on slave benches. It is a heavy wooden plank with five semicircular openings, when the plank is lifted it provides holding collars for five slaves. The plank is then chained down. The primary holding arrangement for women on the benches, however, is not chains. Each place on the bench is fitted with ankle and wrist stocks, and for each bench there is a plank collar, a plank which opens horizontally, each half of which contains five matching, semicircular openings, which, when it is set on pinions, closed, and chained in place, provides five sturdy, wooden enclosures for the throats of women. The plank is thick and thus the girls chins are held high. The plank is further reinforced between each girl with a narrowly curved iron band, the open ends of which are pierced; this is slid tight in its slots, in its metal retainers, about the boards, and secured in place with a four-inch metal pin, which may or may not be locked in place.” -The Black Urban Times.

Well I did learn more about my history at least.. and that's all that MATTERS.. :)

Until I write again, Until you read again,
Kisses and Misses


  1. Well your right about the monkey see monkey doo, but it also goes to show how much peopl stay up on there history

  2. I think its sad that people are so stuck on what the next person is doing. What ever happened to being yourself? Walking your own path? To each his own but this whole thing is pure stupidity to me.

  3. People are lost WHERE are the LEADERS!!??
