
Friday, September 9, 2011

My black is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Yes MY black is BEAUTIFUL even if its light... LOL

Well the other night I was over my BnL's (brother in law) house. Basketball wives LA was on, mind you I've never seen the show I prefer not to be brother with REALITY TV I have my own reality that keeps me OH SO entertained.

But any who... On of the "Characters" sparked up a convo and made me think. My BnL was telling about a friend of his saying that Tanya Williams was not a pretty women and she was manly, That the Keri Hilson of the world is the ideal beautiful woman. 

 Its sad that we have been brain washed into thinking that a black woman/man with natural hair is unattractive or primitive. A dark skin black woman tall and in shape is "manly". I will say that Kerri Hilson is a beautiful woman but she is not the imagine of beautiful. A women can be beautiful any shape, size and colors.

We have to remember that just because its in a magazine movie or on TV doesn't make it right!! Yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I'm just saying that a person shouldn't be labeled as UGLY just because of their skin color. I know this is a never ending DEBATE but its just sad. That we have to fight racist of the same skin color just a little light or darker.

The imagine of beauty to me is a strong and confident woman!! Loving what God gave or didn't give her not wishing for more or less. Walking with her head high. Happy to be alive.  Take note a man/woman looks for what they are lacking in themselves in there partner. If you don't know what makes you amazing WHO ELSE WILL!!?? Just my opinion would love to hear your take on it. Is not just the African American race.

Welp thanks for reading,

Until I write again, Until you read again,
Kisses and Misses

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Love of MY LIFE

Well in a previous blog I told you I would tell you more about my BEST FRIEND, COUSIN, Self appointed SISTER, Charo... Well here it goes

Night out

Charo is my cousin but since I had my son she has been more like a sister to me, I have always been close with my dad sisters' family.. But when my mom moved to Oklahoma after my dad die, and I chose to stay here in Vegas and I moved with my cousin Ty (my other self appointed sister) I did her bad and she put me out and I moved with Charo.. Again I was being lazy not wanting to work and she put me out too.. after floating around for a year and having a baby I changed still had a attitude but I was older more responsible a mom.

My cousin helped me find and keep a job with her for 4 years at one company and 2 at the next and over that five years together we became BEST FRIEND.

WAY passed her bed time
Now after 12 years since I chose to stand alone in a small big city.. She is my sister and I love her with all my heart, I don't know what I would do with out her. She has taught me what it means to be a woman, a mom. Soft spoken, and straight hood when the situation calls for it.. I can say this woman is my role mole WHEN I grow up I wanna be just like her.. She is smart talented a great mom, a wonderful daughter. She has the biggest heart and I'm so happy she put me in and she never plans on taking me out... we get mad she makes me cry. I ignore her, I hate her but at the end of the day... all is forgiven and we are always OK. When I'm at my happiest she joins in and she is just as happy as me.. Never judge never jealous, Never negative. When I'm at my lowest and broken.. She finds away to pull me up and out of it.. She loves me.. She makes me happy just like family should.

Life hit her hard after she had her first son, and she never showed the hurt she was strong and positive and made the best of a bad situation and still wore that beautiful smile she has. She has nothing sometimes and still finds away to give to my family and I and won't take no for an answer..  That's why I look up to her. We have so many funny, crazy, scary stories, and I could go on and on and on about my cousin...

But I'm just ended with a true friend is your friend in good times bad times ups and downs... I can scream.. I HATE YOU AND NEVER WANNA TALK TO YOU AGAIN HEFFA YOUR DEAD TO ME... and call her five minutes later asking what you doing.. and slip in a I was tripping in there and all is well.. because she knows me and I know her, and she is my LOVE.. She never leaves me and I will never leave her... I am truly bless to have this AMAZING woman in my family as well as my life.. :)

Until I write again, Until you read again
Kisses and Misses


So I have been reading blogs and my mind IS RACING!!! So I have the BIGGEST QUESTION!!! Why be in a relationship with someone if you write about being alone? 

This is the thing LADIES and GENTS, you are in a relationship to share your life with another person. If you are feeling alone, then I'm thinking your not in a relationship worth being in. Sharing you life with another person gives you a new life to be apart of.. Even if you are miles apart at times you should still feel full, loved, and as one. That's the point of being in a relationship. 

I would rather be alone with my DAMN self than alone with someone else. You have to pick your happiness or your sadness.. We go there life so afraid of change afraid to move on.. STUCK IN AN ENDLESS rut. 

I'm sure your going to say that its easy for me to say because I'm not alone... Trust me if my husband didn't make me feel like I was surround by a million of him every moment.. And I felt abandon and alone.. I wouldn't stay or I would be trying to find away we can get back on track. Because not only is that not good for me its not good for our kids. 

Children feel tension before we even know that it is there.. You can whisper a fight. but a child will still know that the love is not in the air at the moment your fighting. That's the thing, people think that when a relationship is damage a child's love can fix it.. UNTRUE!!! Now you have a child and one of you still can't stand the other one. STUPID!!

Well I just have to say I need you to value yourself and think about it... If living in a comfortable situation and being unhappy is better than moving on and leaving yourself open to find a BETTER situation..then YOUR CRAZY...

OK I'm climb off my soap box... :)


Until I write again, Until you read again
Kisses and Misses

Wow what a shocker...

After watching this Video it made me think.. Like I have thought about what roads I take how will they affect me in the long run... But honestly I never thought about the ways they will affect my son as he grows.. Just thinking about what if I woulda.. I have always been happy I choose my husband instead of living my life the way I was prior to meeting him.. I was alone and scared to move on. Just my kid and me trying to make in this BIG ol' world. 
People tend to put there own needs first I've never been that type of person. I've always put others first and me last. And finial I met I man that wouldn't allow me to do that. He wants me to think of myself and other. "I can't make anyone happy if I'm unhappy". WORD lol.. So thinking about my choice to be with what ended up being my soul mate was the best decision for my son and I. He's SUCH a little man. He has some AMAZING role models in his life now. He wants to be someone that I always knew he could and would be. If someone ask him what he wants to be when he grows up.. He has more to say then the "Basketball Player" ... He says "I'm not sure yet.. I haven't narrowed it down" lol.. 
Life is the Greatest teacher and I have been Taught a MILLION lessons over the past 30 years and Life isn't done with me yet. 
You truly have to open your eyes and your ears, you never know when God has a message for you.... And they come in different shapes and forms.

Until I write again, Until you read again
Kisses and Misses