
Monday, September 17, 2012

Let me explain.. (repost)

So, I have a few blog readers a tad bit confused.. I just want to clear something up.. LOL.. If you are one of my blog reader and the last post you read was from December and I was on the 8th day of my second 30 day challenge and now I’m giving hair tips, protein tips and fitness quote, maybe I should do some EXPLAINING!! LOL..

So let me tell you about way weight loss ROLLER COASTER..
I started out my journey some years after I had my son (2002 or so) at 160ish.. I wasn’t the prettiest thing and was STRUGGLING with some self esteem issues and thought that if I was skinny everything would be better.. So I found out about this office you can go get B12 shots, Diet pills and you can lose weight fast! So I did that and went to the gym.. I got down to 146ish (I think) and then the office closed and I stopped with the pills and shot and guess what…. YUP I gained the weight back..

Then in 2004 or so.. I was back at it again I wanted to be pretty and feel better about me and I thought weight lost would fix it all.. So I started a program called LA Weight loss.. and I was on magic bars and a strict eating plan,had people to weigh and measures me and keep on track and I lost the WEIGHT again.. I got down to a nice 130ish.. (2005) Met the love of my life got married and got happy, went though up and downs of that and so did my weight..

(2009)I got up to a about 190 if not a little more.. So here is when I tried a little bit of everything… OTC diet stuff.. a little work out here and there.. not eating all that kinda stuff.. and I tried ONE final thing.. and I lost 40 pounds and for some reason my body didn’t like it and I gained it back.. So here I was December 2009 187 pound .. OMG!! I hate to even see the number and compare it to me.. Its so UNREAL that in 2005 I was about 130 pds just sexy.. Then over 6 years I put on 60+ pounds of happiness, love, stress, worry, and GOOD OL’ FOOD?! How could I let it happen.. I saw it, but I kept saying its just a few pounds “its water”, “I had to many drinks” BLAH BLAH LIES.. I had to find my WHY (the real reason I needed to lose the weight) and I did..

So I got in the gym had a trainer and worked my butt off planned out my meals and lost some weight then I couldn’t afford my trainer, so I had to finish it up on my own.. I lost 54 pds (at 133ish March 2010) with nothing but trial and error it was so HARD! And I know weight loss can happen if you have a plan in place and that is something I did not HAVE the first go around..

Another December breakdown (2011) I was back up 25ish pounds due to stress… I made up my mind I was tired of it all.. I was tired of letting the stress take over my body and not able to do anything about it!! Which my blog readers read my ups and downs.. So I this is where the you guys might have can in.. I was on my 2nd 30 day challenge and I was doing good but still fighting with my stress and depression.. I had a few people joining me in my quest for health, but I didn’t feel totally ready for it myself.. I had to figure some things out before I really got serious and made change. I knew I was not mentally strong enough to lose the weight and keep it off for good.. And I love the way I was helping people.. I wanted to be a better role model and truly MAKE A DIFFERENCE..
I knew that total wellness, and balance was mental, physical and spiritual. I need to get all those thing in line.. I started out with a counseling session in order to get to the root of my personal issues.. I took a Mediation class and loved it. So I decided to take a course so I can teach others.. It was amazing! I’ve never felt a inter peace like that before! I renew my nutrition certification and I was already a certified personal trainer so it was time for me to train myself and lose this weight the right way.. I started back in the gym and home training.. really stuck to a eating plan that work for me and the weight started to come back off.. no count calories or starving… I started to train a few people in their homes for free just to help them and give them some help to start a home exercise program.. I really started to educate myself on my health I wanted to go “Clean” and I started to read up on Juicing the amazing affects of this.. I watched “Fat sick and nearly dead” and that was it.. I was sold.. I wanted juicing a part of my life. I wanted it apart of everyone’s life that I knew! I started juicing 1 time a day for about 2 weeks and I loved it but it wasn’t doing what I wanted it to do.. again I was feeling the need to short cut it.. But I went to my Doctor and I told him about what I was going thru.. He sat and talked to me for about a hour.. Really shaking me up.. about pills and shot and other things I have tried and was thinking of trying.. He told me that juicing was a great idea and I should just do a juice fast.. He told me to do a 15 day and he would monitor me.. But I told him I wanted to do a 30 day.. So I did!!

I finished my 30 day juice fast and I have been a different women since then.. I dropped that 25 pounds and then some.. I weighed in not to long ago at 120 pounds and I am HEALTHY and in shape.. I’m happy, and mentally, physically changed.. I am able to deal with stress and problems with out falling apart or sleep it away.. I am STRONGER.. My marriage is better, my family is better.. We are all getting health.. I have change my families food choices and activity level..
I started a Outdoor workout class and I am making a difference.. One person at a time!!
Check me out on Facebook, I’m working on a new goal, so come see what I am up too.. :)

This is only the beginning!

Until I write again, until you read again
Kisses and misses

Grocery Shopping again! Grrrr!!!

Its so crazy to think a few months I ago I would not be so upset at this moment.. Planning out the week of groceries.. Why am I upset you might be thinking.. Because it is SO expensive to be HEALTHY and to have a family of 4 eating a healthy lifestyle SHEESH is crazy.. Educating myself was the best and worst thing I think.. I am no longer brainwashed into thinking that food is just food get what you can afford and make the best of it!!

Do you even know how brain washed we are? We live in a world that tells us HEY eat what you want drink what you want.. and live the way you too.. and when you get sick go to the doctor and they will get you a pill that can fix you up.. and if that doesn’t fix it.. they will give you a different one , nope still didn’t do the trick.. Let put you on a combination of pills.. and that will help then just continue with life in the same fashion.. oh no your sick again and it worst the combination of the 4 different meds gave you new problems... ummm pills aren’t working lets do an operation to remove the problem and give you more pills to fix the new issues and you will be good as new.. So we will continue to lower  the cost of foods that are bad for you so can keep eating your life away, and we will spend millions on creating meds to fix the problems…  but we will have to charge you more and more to by the miracle drugs, Wait have you met my friend Mr. medical insurance company he will give you a not so sweet deal to pick up a portion of that cost for you.. because we care about you and want to help you make it through the recession…  REALLY?! (okay it might not be this major, but I’m a little pissed right now)

Its so sad I tell you.. I went in to get my annual stress test because I HAD some heart issues.. I was told I was going to be put on 3 different meds to help and I need to get schedule to have a pacemaker put in just in case.. plus I was already schedule to have a cyst removed!! GOOD LORD!! Enough was enough.. I told myself I was not going to let this happen to me.. Heart disease had taken my dad’s mom, dad, uncle grandpa.. and many more in my family tree and I was not going to allow it to take me too.. I talked to my doctor thinking completely different I want a diet pill that can help me loose the weight quick and then after that I can maintain it.. But he was not that type of doctor.. he knew I was juicing and told to just keep it up.. start to work out again.. and it will happen.. Luckily he wasn’t a doctor that was in bed with a medical weight loss clinic and would have just gave me a card and sent me on my way or there would be no iSweat@home with A. Hunt..

I stand here today with a HEATHLY heart not on any meds.. NO longer struggling to breath.. Shaking while sitting still.. iron, calcium and a (few other) deficient , cranky, depressed, overweight, outta shape,  self esteem issue, mean, hateful, spiritually disconnected… All this because I chose HEALTH… I chose to change..  I made a change prior to this but this time I went DEEP.. and no turning back now.. So I just have to plan smarter and figure this out! But if the can give farmers are this money to produce what they need them to produce to FATTEN up the cattle and pigs.. they can help them produce more fruits and veggies so the cost can come down.. Let me be quiet before I get in trouble… Not trying to offend anyone either..  

I promote a healthy lifestyle and how you go about it is your own choice, just telling you the process I went/going through..   But if your here following my page.. I just want to thank you for taking the time to read my post and comment and like and I hope you learn with me… and that I can help you in some way achieve your goals..  please educate yourself and your family..



Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm JUST a girl

I’m just a girl.. 

I was over weight and consider unattractive to most for more than half my life.. I am not some know it that puts up a lot of words and pictures reply to all the question you may have about them..

I’m just a girl 

I was tired of trying to be other people idea of beautiful.. I final looked in the mirror and knew it was time to get help mental, and physical.. 

I’m just a girl 

I wanted to find out what made me eat, why did I run to food to make me feel better.. Why did I think losing would make me feel like a better person.. I need answer to those question in order to grow and finally make a lasting change..

I’m just a girl.. That DID it.. I found the part of me that I lost long ago, I final answered those question and I was finally able to love me as I was.. and when I became HAPPY, I became HEALTHY.. it was easier to change.. I no longer had the “fall outs”.. On my worst days I find a way to stand tall make it to my class or to the gym.. I fight all the way through and I feel like a new person at the end.. Change is HARD… 

I’m just a girl that wanted to share what I’m learning, and what I have learned with the world… what a healthy lifestyle can feel like and be like.. I have educated myself so I can help myself, and others achieve goals we only thought we could dream of..  So feel free to ask question.. if I have an answer I will give it to you.. if I don’t , I’ll ask someone that know or point you in a direction to find out the answer.. 

I know I say this a lot but having good relationships, a job that doesn’t stress you out, an exercise program that you love, eating healthy, and some sort of spirituality will take you to that point of TOTAL Balance in your life..

I am starting a new journey in my life and I have the HARDEST time getting FREE advice from ANYONE.. It’s crazy… But it constantly reminds why I do what I do.. To help!! So don’t be afraid to comment or ask question..

LET’S GET HEALTHY… What do you think?