
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Glow Worthy

Am I Glow Worthy?! HECK YEA I AM!!

There's a facebook page that I love called Eccentric GLOW.. and I adore the page owner too!! She put a post up awhile ago about posting pictures of her fans and featuring them on her page.. so joking around I tell her that I was going to email her a picture of me in my work out gear.. and she told me that would be fine becau
se she doesn't discriminate... LOL

That made me think today I was all dolled up and feel just as strong, confident, and beautiful as I do when I'm in my work out clothes hair half comb with a sweat band and tennis shoes on...

I used to always compare myself to the terms of what I needed to look like to be beautiful to feel beautiful.. I thought I need to be taller, my skin need to be lighter, I needed to wear make-up and always in a pair of heels.. I needed to have long hair.. Hell I just needed to be ANYONE BUT ME... So I would get all dressed up had to have the sew ins, the nails done, a tight dress, heels I don't walk in, then I would look in the mirror and say okay now I'm pretty.. HA!!! HORSE CRAP!! When really my face was itchy, I couldn't breath my head itch and I was about to knock myself out from pattin my head, my feet hurt can't dance... But I was "beautiful"

Over the last year and a half.. I no longer compare myself to the person standing next to me.. I'm awesome just the way I am.. PERFECT with all my IMPERFECTIONS... Its okay to have my natural nappy hair.. its okay to be 5ft 3in its okay to hate heels its okay to love jeans and sweat pants, its okay to wear shorts with my meaty thighs, its okay to not wear make up everyday.. I can be Glow worthy in the eyes of many, maybe not all but I will always be in the eyes of the person that matters the most and that ME!!

Heck some of the pictures on my Instagram people that know me, know me are like "wow I can't believe some of the pictures you post".. its cause IDC.. I'm at the gym my hair don't have to be done up.. I'm silly, I make silly faces all the time.. I don't care if the world sees them anymore... I'm being silly not trying to be pretty!!

I have changed into a new and better person no longer hiding behind binds peaking out when I want to be seen.. LIKE IT OR LEAVE IT.. people are so quick to say that I pretending to be someone I'm not.. I'm "fake". When the truth is I was FAKE and now I'm real.. Constantly question and analyzing me, I have been help and I've battled the demons that wear attacking, holding me back, and holding me down. Working on ways to never let them come back.

This is me.. the question is WHO ARE YOU?!
Soap box moment.. :)
Until I write again until you read again
kisses and misses
Check me out on
on instagram: athomeahunt
on Twitter: @homewithahunt

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

If I could RE-DO my interview

In late October A Fab U asked me to be on her radio on show.. If you missed it here’s the link..

I went into more detail about some of the question I was asked below.. it was my first radio show and I was so scared I forgot to say a lot of things I wanted to say... So below are the things I wish I would have said or could have said…

Radio show question

1)  Explain to those that may not know what it is that you do exactly?

I call myself a life coach. I have certification in Personal training, weight
loss nutrition, and I'm currently working on a sport nutrition certification. I
also create pre-pack juicing bags. I want to give anyone the power to get
healthy. On my weight loss journey I started out with a trainer. My family had a
dramatic financial issue and I could no longer afford a trainer. I could not
find anyone to help me or even give me guidance for free, so I knew the only person that
would train me for free was Me. So I got educated. So now I want to be that
person for the next person. If someone needs help I can be there for them.

2)  What do you charge for your services?

To personal train I charge 5 dollars. To teach a person how to create a meal
plan I charge 10. And to create a 1 a day pre-pack juice bag for 7 day its
starts at $60. But always willing to help for free.

3)  How important do you think it is to be healthy body wise?

I think its very important. When you are mentally physically and emotionally healthy I think
it will help you balance out every aspect of your life.

4)  Your weight loss journey was  a rollercoaster in the beginning. Why do you
think it was hard for you to stick to it?  And, what advice would you give to
listeners that are struggling with losing & gaining back weight?

I was going about it all wrong!! Is the biggest thing. I wasn't educate going in
to any of my dieting phase. I wanted something quick and fast. So I would go to
the diet doctor the weight loss program. I was not teaching myself smart
planning discipline. I wasn’t teaching myself a lifestyle change, just a for the
moment change.

I would tell anyone out there you have to find a connection with the reason why
you need to get healthy. Teach yourself that this will have to be a life long
decision . Know that the road is tough and it will never end. You have to get
out of the I need to loss weight mind frame. And say I want to get healthy. When
you get healthy, and active the weight will come off.

5)  How important would you say it is to have a plan and not to just wing it?

Being prepare is the number one key to being successful in any journey in your
life. If you have a plan of attack in place its less likely to make poor choice.

6)  Do you think a person’s weight affects their self-esteem or is it all

I think it plays a role with some not all. But that's the first thing I tell
people. You have to love and except you just the way to are at your starting
weight because if you don't you will see that same person at your goal weight.
Always wanting to lose more always finding flaws in yourself.

7)  What inspired and motivated you to want to reach out and help others?

Like I said I was a person that need and wanted to lose weight I didn't have
anyone to help and motivate me. I see a lot of friends that needed what I had to
offer. But I couldn't get them to join. So I extended my services to other and I
fell in love with helping others.

8)  What is your ultimate goal with @Home with A. Hunt, what would you like to
see it become?

I want to teach families to get healthy at home! This is where it all starts. If
You’re a women or man with a family on the road to get healthy if the whole family
is not on board you will not be as successful. I want to change the family trees
of African Americans. I want the next generation to have a different idea of
soul food. Food that can help the soul and not block your heart. I want to teach
our youth how to be healthy how to create there own school lunch show them a
work out routine to do before or after school to create mental clarity. The gym
doesn't create a healthy happy person. It all starts at home. And I want to be
apart of a family success.

9)  Did you have a lot of people supporting you on your journey?  How did that
help or hinder you?

No I didn't but that was my personal preference. The first 3 month of my healthy
journey. I did it on my own with only my husband and kids backing me. I didn't
have any friend that were mentally were I was. And to avoid making bad choices I
stayed away until I was strong enough to hang out with out ruining my progress..

10)  What advice would you give someone who’s having a hard time getting
starting with their goal to lose weight?

Evaluate the importance of what you’re doing. Find passion in journey. You have to
find your why (the reason need to make a change) and remind yourself every day.
Take the steps..step one find your why. Step two evaluate the roads: road a if
you continue to live the way u are now what's at the end of the road? Road b if
u make this change what's at the end of that road? Step 3 take action with the
road you choose and find happiness with it, and create a plan of attack. And always be
open to reevaluate. Know that with any road you choose it will be tough but you
are tougher, SO fight until u get to the next fork in the road. Because
there’s no finish line..

Changing your food habits is tough and to me I think its a process a diet that
works for one person might not work for another. I wouldn’t be successful on a no carb
diet and someone else maybe they would be everyone is different. I have to ask
so many question when I create a meal plan and then take it week by week. You
just have to find what food make you happy and healthy.

11)  Would you say that losing weight is something that you need to do for
yourself and not to please others?

Of course any change you make if its not a change your making for you it will
not make you happy and you will not stick to it.

12)  Do you ever have a cheat day?

Yes ma'am I do!! And I enjoy those moments. But I cheat smart and in moderation.
And I plan for my cheat day. And continue to work hard after it.

14)  How can people get in touch with you or find out more about what you do? I
have a facebook page. Follow me on twitter
homewithahunt follow me on instagram athomeahunt. I have a blog that has my story if you want to check it out. or just shoot me an email I
post recipes, workout, information on juicing, motivation quotes and all kinds
of stuff.

15)  Any closing words?

Just remember happiness is key to a healthier you. Slow down and listen to your
body it has a lot to say if you just take a moment to listen. And always smile
its good for your health! Thank u!!

So there you go!! :)

Until I write again until you read again
Kisses and misses

sex and INTIMACY

I was having a VERY interesting convo with a fitness friend of mine that I wanted to share with you all..
I have told you all that I have had counseling to open some closed doors in my mind to help me with my total mission to be mentally, physically, and emotionally happy, RIGHT? 

Making that change, changed my marriage… we were always friends but finding out where my issues came from. Change me and fixed me, and made my marriage stronger and made us a lot closer..  Which brings me to my point… My fitness friend asked me why I was so tried this morning… I told her I was up all night talking to my husband.. She said watching TV? I said no talking… She said what like 20, 30 mins? I said no all night? Maybe like 3 or 4 hours.. She just looked at me puzzled.. I’m like what. She said I couldn’t talk to anyone that long. LOL

I just feel like I can take a million small conversation and put it to a whole night of pillow talk.. In my opinion.. That is where the intimacy is, its in the long conversation.  Its in the long lasting hugs, the good bye kisses that starts with one peck and end up lasting longer. A lot of people confuse sex with love.. Can you go day with out having sex as a married couple and still laugh, kiss, talk, and cuddle with out feeling that something is missing? Or the black flag of death is hovering over your marriage? 

I feel like the satisfaction of being pulled in close and having 1000s of words whispered in my ear that could make me surprised, happy, shocked, silly, and or laugh has more gratification than sex any day..  I feel way more loved that he can share his inner most everything with me and I can do the same with him without being judge, or loved any differently. Sex is easy it can be done with anyone. But intimacy is difficult. It requires honesty, openness, self-disclosure, confiding concerns, fears, sadnesses as well as hopes and dreams.

Again its just my opinion, I know that getting to the point where my husband and I are now was not easy, but worth it. He is my best friend and I wouldn’t want to have it any other way. It makes me so mad to think about the time we wasted when everyday could have been this amazing.. But I enjoy it and look forward to each and everyday I have with him.

Until I write again, until you read again 
Kisses and Misses

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

3 years and standing STRONG

Yesterday made 3 years from the day I decide to no longer be a victim to my weight.


I was taking some pictures and later that day I viewed them on the computer and for the first time I no longer saw me! It was a stranger. My face my body... that was not me. I could no longer tell my self that it was just a little weight. It was out of control, I was unhappy and unhealthy… All bad! So I asked my hubby if he would help me.. He agreed like ALWAYS.. Lol.. 


I started at the gym.. I had a membership but never used it… I started just doing cardio, classes , watching my diet.. I got down 25 pounds and I was ready to up my training!! I asked about the one on one training. I found a trainer that was amazing.. His name was Tony, he was GREAT he made me laugh the whole session I would forget I was working out.. I loved it!! 


But then I hit a bump in the road I ended up getting sick… DAMN KIDNEY STONES and messed up my gym time process, then I had another Bump in my road I could no longer afford to pay for training... I was on my own.. But I did!!!


Everyday I have to remind myself to stick with and never give up!!