
Friday, July 8, 2011

Career vs Job

The Million dollar question... What is the difference between a JOB and a CAREER???

When I was attending school to get my MA certification.. All I heard the ENTIRE time is that I am building my career and once enter the field and start working as a MA I will no longer have a JOB that this would be in my new career.. Well while I was doing my externship I felt that it was a JOB and all the women that were in the position I was training for acted as if it was a job.. and not this "career" I heard so much about in school... So after my externship I was offered a position at this Doctors office.. and against my better judgement I excepted the position... at the time I did it only for the insurance and shopping money cause my husband's job took care of all the bills and then some... but his insurance wasn't good at all... But back to the matter at hand. So after taking the JOB... Step two to building my new "career".. I thought, "OK it's just the people here I'm a different person.. and I will make the best out of this and be happy with my new career move" So about to weeks in to the position I learn that it was just like any other JOB, over worked under pay and not appreciated for all my hard work...

The definition of JOB is : A piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one's occupation or for and agreed price. or A person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility.

Just the definition of the word JOB sounds bad.. Doesn't sound like anything I would want to do.. But as the definition states your expected and or obliged to do it.. so its not a want or need its a must...

The definition of CAREER is: An occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework or A person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or undertaking.

So that definition sounds a tad bit better but it sounds about the same..

So if your in a JOB that has growth and room for advancement and its something you enjoy.. You can start out scrubbing toilets but if you're in it for the long run.. and you enjoy it.. you can make a career out of it... Start with scrubbing the toilets then move on to night lead of that department, then on to manager then Supervisor.. and look at you enjoying your career...

But most of us will work until we are at the age of retirement and retire from our JOB in the same position that we were hired in with that yearly increase of a quarter of fifty cents... and then have to work a part time job to live... So admire your elders of this day and age because as the years come we won't be driving the Porse and Cadillacs, other nice cars they have worked all these years to get... our social security won't pay us out anything.. and we might not be able to retire until we're 90 years old...

So I leave it to you.... What is the difference between JOB and Career??

Until I write again, Until you read again,
Kisses and Misses


  1. Well to me, a job is something you do just to earn money. Great point of view though. Definitely food for thought.
